Our Process:
1. Decide which package would benefit your business best and submit a contact form here for standard product services.
2. We will form a creative briefing based on your product(s) and any additional information given in the contact form. You can expect to receive this in your email within 7 days of submitting the contact form.
3. Upon your approval of the creative brief, please await a response from us containing the Invoice Overview for services and the accompanying Contract. 
4. Review the Invoice Overview and Contract, then sign and submit. Do not forget to pay the Retainer Fee linked within the Invoice Overview at the time of signing! The contract is voided until the Retainer Fee is paid.
5. Send product(s) to the studio address located in the terms and conditions on the Invoice Overview and submit the item send-out form here.
6. Allow up to 2 weeks from the product delivery date at the studio address for the sample of the delivery of services to arrive in your email. You may request editing revisions at this time if desired.
7. All Done! Full resolution, non-watermarked photos/ videos will be provided via a Google Drive link upon payment of the remaining balance. If a return label was provided, an item send-back form will be sent to your email and your product(s) will be on the way back to you!
8. All work will be available to download for 30 days from the provided link. You may request another month of cloud access to download at any time though!

Confused? We are here for you!
Send us a message below and we will help discover the best solution for your business!
Thank you! We will get back with you shortly!